Playing against tank champions can be a real drag. These types of champions are full of HP, they have armor, magic resist, and oftentimes they have plenty of damage and CC too. Selecting a bad pick versus a fearsome tank can make them unstoppable and put a fast end to your game.
However, selecting a good champion can do quite the opposite. A great tank shredding champion will enable you to take down tanks with ease, and significantly bolster your chances of winning your game!
Best Anti-Tank League of Legends Champions
Vayne is one of the most perfect champions for countering HP heavy champions. The reason for that is her W ability that shreds a percentage of HP on each 3 consecutive auto attacks. No matter how much HP a tank stacks, we will be able to erase a significant portion of it consistently.
Vayne is also a great top lane pick against tanks, as she can poke them to oblivion. A cool perk of this gameplay is that it’s incredibly tilting for enemy opponents, which gives us a huge psychological edge. It’s important to note that Vayne top is an incredibly squishy pick, and being mindful of enemy jungle presence is a must.
Anivia is an underrated tank shredder that is rarely mentioned. However, her strength against tanks can not be understated. When played with Liandry’s he can eat up a chunk of the enemy’s HP with each tick of her ultimate. Additionally, she can make use of the tank’s immobility by limiting their movement with W, Q, and ultimate combos.
When playing Anivia, it’s important to remember that she does the best job at fighting tanks in the mid to late game. In the early game, she usually does not have sufficient damage to match them at all times.
Kayle is a late-game monstrosity. She has three transformations throughout the game, each one getting her a huge change in power. Kayle reaches her most powerful state at lvl 16. Regardless of her build (AP or AD on-hit), she will be able to undoubtedly shred any tank champion that exists in a game. Much like Anivia, Kayle also needs some time to start scaling, but her late-game damage is unparalleled.
Master Yi
If you are looking for a jungle anti-tank champion, Master Yi might as well be your best choice. Master is a consistent champion performing great at every elo. He is simple and can be used to carry all games. When it comes to his tank-killing ability, he is not to be underestimated. With BOTRK equipped, he can melt through tanks like nothing. Another thing that helps Yi melt tanks is the true damage on his E since this type of damage ignores all resistances such as armor and magic resist.
Thanos used stones to destroy stones, we might as well use tanks to destroy tanks in the same fashion. The greatest tank tank-destroyer in the game is Trundle. With his ultimate, he steals a huge percentage of enemy resistances, allowing him to make any enemy vulnerable. This ability coupled with BOTRK that gives a percentage of HP damage can make Trundle unstoppable in any tank vs tank battle.
Final Thoughts
A wrong pick against tanks can make you regret queuing up for a League of Legends game, however, a good pick will do the opposite. Great anti-tank picks will completely counter tanks, rendering them nearly useless. I would recommend referring to this list, as it has been crafted through years of experience and suffering at hands of LoL tank champions.