Best Farming Junglers in League of Legends


Ganking in League of Legends can be tiring, especially when playing in lower elos because there are so many things that can go wrong. You might fail gank timing, the allies can fail to offer a good follow, and you might even get countergank. 

This is not to say that you should steer away from learning ganking fundamentals, but sometimes it’s okay to take a soft break. In situations where you are aiming for a more patient, consistent, and relaxed gameplay, you can go and play some really great farming junglers that are not that reliant on ganking, here are some worthy picks!

Best Farming Junglers in League of Legends


fiddlesticks-splashart title

Fiddlesticks is a champion mostly known for his fast full clear speed. He has enough time to erase the whole ally side of the jungle with tens of seconds left in reserve for scuttle crab spawn. This time excess time can be used to ward around enemy territory or perform a gank when possible.

The Fiddlesticks gameplay is not that complex, as there are not many things to do. Your main goal would be to farm as efficiently as possible and make plays around the map when your ultimate is up. The plays would be ganking favorable lanes and playing around objectives (drakes, grubs, heralds, etc).


Lillia title

Lillia is another amazing farming jungler. She can be a little harder to pilot in the beginning, as she does have a lot of movement speed. However, with enough practice, playing Lillia feels as natural as anything. With this pick, you will mainly want to focus on farming too, as not using the full farming potential of this champion would be a waste. This is not to say that you should not go for ganks when there are clear opportunities to score an advantage. For most practical purposes, you will want to play this champion the same way you play Fiddlesticks.


Kayn-Wallpaper (1) title

If you are looking for an AD farming jungle, there is no need to look further. Kayn is a really nice and flexible AD farming jungle pick. He has fast and consistent clears that can get you ahead and a host of other benefits. Kayn is particularly strong in dueling, especially when played with Rhaast (bruiser) form. The champion also has a high outplay ability with his E and ultimate spells.

Master Yi

Master Yi Splashart

Another great and my personal favorite AD farming jungler is Master Yi. The champion is pretty great at farming, dueling, skirmishing multiple enemies, and taking objectives as well. This is truly one of the greatest SoloQ champions that can carry 90% of the games when played correctly. He is especially powerful when played on-hit, with a combination of runes such as Lethal Tempo (when the rune is not disabled by Riot).


Udyr-Splashart-scaled (1) title

My last recommendation would be Udyr. The champion is not everyone’s cup of tea but no one can argue against his strength. The champion is pretty great at farming and he also has unparalleled dueling power. You can achieve great results with this champion in Soloq, as he is great at solo objective-taking.

Final Thoughts

Adding a farming jungler to your jungle rotation is always a wise choice. The farming junglers are great as they can consistently perform well by just having the player use them well for their intended purpose. For beginner junglers, I would recommend my main Master Yi, more advanced players can try their hands at picks such as Udyr or Karthus.

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