Picking tanks in the jungle is a great move when your draft needs a front-line champ capable of engaging. However, not all tanks are made the same, and some picks are simply much better than others. With that in mind, I have crafted a beautiful list of the best tank junglers in season 14.
Best Tank Junglers in Season 14
Currently, Amumu is the strongest tank jungler in the game. He has a perfect kit that allows him to clear the jungle very fast, and the champion is an extremely effective ganker. The reason Ammumu can perform ganks with ease is his Q with two charges. The spell is pretty neat as you can re-engage on enemies even if they flash. The double Q also makes plenty of space for your allies to do their own part in a gank.
Another thing that makes Amumu really great is his AOE stun ultimate. The spell is a perfect tool for team fights, as it can be used to stun 5 enemies at once. The easiest way to land this spell is by surprising enemies by flanking them or entering a fight from a stealthy place.
Zac is another AP tank jungler that is incredibly fun to play. With the blob passive resetting his W cooldown, he can clear the jungle with ease. Once sufficiently leveled (lvl 3+ and above), Zac can dominate the map by flying across terrains straight to lanes with his E. Once the lane phase is over, Zac becomes even more dominant. He gets the ability to engage fights, and completely disrupt and meltdown the enemy carries.
Sejuani is one of the most known symbols of tank junglers. Unlike the other mentioned picks which focus on multiple targets, Sejuani is a champion that’s primarily oriented on a single target. She will usually not be able to lead the entire flow of fights, but she can do a quite great job at eliminating individual carries.
Rammus is a pick that specializes in destroying armor-heavy teams. His W ability greatly increases his armor, and it also reflects AD damage straight back to the attacker. His W is a really major fighting tool, especially when used in combination with his E that taunts the enemies.
Another notable thing about Rammus is his mobility, he has a great ability to roam around the map due to the speed built into his Q. Now, there is one thing to be cautious about when playing Rammus, and that’s the presence of AP champions in the draft. If enemies select to many picks, especially shredding ones, picking Rammus is essentially equivalent to inting, as Rammus is not equipped to deal with these picks at all!
The last pick for our selection will be Gragas. The champion is distinguished by a kit that allows a pretty nice gank setup. Gragas also excels at skirmishes and objective fights, since his design entails really low cooldowns. To sum it up, Gragas should be our go-to when we want a game filled with fighting!
Final Thoughts
Tank champions are essential parts of the League of Legends ecosystem. They are great for taking the leading role and facilitating the success of the team by protecting ally carries, engaging, and locking down enemy carries. The greatest current tank jungler picks are Ammumu and Zac, as they can command the greatest presence and do the most to disable the enemy teams at large!