How to Carry When the Whole Team is Feeding: League of Legends


Anyone who has played League of Legends for any duration of time knows how it feels when you have the entire team feeding. The loss of morale in these situations can be significant, and it can truly feel like there is nothing you can do, however, that’s not always the case. In this guide, I am gonna share all the tips and tricks that have enabled me to win even the most seemingly doomed games in very high ELO games (masters +).

Pick a Hard Carry Champion

Master Yi Splashart

The easiest (sometimes the only) way to carry games where everyone is feeding is to pick a scaling champion. When playing a champion that can single-handedly destroy the whole enemy team, the game is not really lost until your nexus falls.

A good scaling champion would be something such as Kayle, Smolder, Kog’Maw, Master Yi, etc. These champions can be used to exploit small enemy mistakes and come back from almost unwinnable scenarios. If you are playing something like Zed or Lee Sin, chances are you are not going to be able to play safely.

Look for Every Opportunity to Scale

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Having each of your teammates feed can feel disastrous, but it is hardly the end of the world. When the game is in a complete state of chaos, your enemies will often relax, lose focus, and start making silly mistakes themselves.

The great pro of this situation is that you can become a consistent and powerful machine of your team, calculating each step. You can look for sneaky objectives, taking a few grubs here and there, you can take dragons etc.

Sometimes these objectives will be free, and sometimes you will have to trade them. For example, if enemies are all grouped bot and taking the drake, you can use this window to seize grubs and the enemy jungle.

Also, when things are rough, you can afford to play slightly more aggressive at times. As most enemies will have bounties on their heads, you can take calculated risks to put yourself in aim of taking their bonus gold.

Encourage Your Team

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You might feel like your team is composed of the worst players in the world, and that could hardly be the case. Although it’s highly unlucky to have every teammate feed, it’s simply the luck of the draw for the time being. Anyhow, chances are they are not that bad players overall, and they are just having a bad game. Flaming them is not going to help.

Instead, if you truly want to win, setting all emotions aside will do you much good. Through encouraging and guiding your team, you can help them relax and set their eyes on what should truly be their objective, winning the game.

This strategy of being a normal person is quite powerful, especially when you pair it with good in-game shoot-calling sense, you can restore even the most disastrous games and convert them to victories. 

Final Thoughts

In League of Legends, especially in ranked, no game is lost until the nexus is down. Although you might be feeling you have been cursed with the worst possible teammates at times, it’s important to stay calm and make all the right moves towards victory. Having a monk mindset will enable you to see and feel that many more games are winnable than you might have previously thought.

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