The early game bot lane fights can be decisive, therefore, it could be a good idea to equip yourself with champions who can hardly lose an early fight. Here are some of the greatest early-game ADC picks that can enable you to create significant leads at the beginning of a game!
Best Early Game ADCs in League of Legends
The absolute greatest early-game ADC in League of Legends is Draven. With his Q basic damage enhancements he can pretty much run through any other ADC like its paper. However, to use the full strength of Draven, pairing him with an engage support is almost a necessity.
Another thing to note is that playing Draven can be incredibly risky. If mistakes happen, recovering in the mid and late game will be extraordinarily hard, but that is just the price Draven has to pay for his early dominance.
Another incredibly powerful early-game ADC is Tristana. She holds great power on level one, where she can match pretty much any ADC except Draven, level 2 is another great power spike for this champ, where she becomes even stronger. At lvl 3, Tristana unlocks all 3 of her core abilities, allowing her to perform a full W > E > Q combo. Much like Draven, Tristana works best when paired with engage supports, but she can also work really well with enchanters such as Lulu.
Due to the poke and auto-attack resets available at level 1, Ezreal is distinguished as one of the strongest early ADCs as well. He becomes notably stronger after purchasing Sheen, the item that allows him to proc additional damage on Q’s. The downside of Ezreal is that he requires a lot of skill to play properly, but that is one of his strongest upsides as well. When fully mastered, Ezreal can wreak havoc in most bot lane matchups and significantly impact the outcome of a game.
Ashe’s kit looks quite unassuming for the early game, however, she is still a monstrosity, especially when paired with correct supports. Ashe and Braum for example have one of the greatest synergies out of all other duos in League of Legends. This duo can completely deny everyone from approaching them, while also playing incredibly aggressive and dominating enemies.
Due to all the auto-attack resets Lucian has in his kit, he is a perfect option for smashing the early game. He can comfortably match most champions by landing a good sequence of auto-attack resetting combos with his abilities. Lucian is most deadly when paired with Nami, since he can proc bonus damage granted by Nami in a record low time. The Lucian/Nami combo is famous for one-shotting enemies, and granting first bloods.
Varus is somewhat of a niche early-game pick. He has great damage ratios on his W passive, which enable him to chunk a huge percentage of enemy HP even in the earliest stages of the game. To achieve the highest early damage with Varus, it’s advisable to run Nashor’s Tooth first since the item would give us the greatest damage ratios on our combos.
Final Thoughts
Winning the early bot lane fights is essential, and the best way to do it is by playing champions who excel in this stage of the game. These picks can be quite risky, but they do give great returns given enough practice. If you are looking to main any of the listed champions, I would recommend Draven, and if you are looking for a pick to take from time to time, Tristana or Ashe would probably suit your needs the most!