League of Legends Best Ezreal ARAM Build Season 14


Ezreal is a champion that does not boast a great win rate in ARAM, he rather falls in the average category. However, this result can be attributed to below-optimal gameplay, as well as not-so-great builds. To make the most out of this fun-to-play champion, we are gonna go over his best ARAM build, as well as some tips to make the build work.

Best Ezreal ARAM items

Ezreal-ARAM-Build title

Trinity Force

The first items we will pick up after the game has started are the Sheen, tear, and two pots. Sheen will be our must-buy component, as we will use it to build towards Trinity Force. The Tear is also essential, but we will get to it a little later.

Trinity Force is a key component of our build as it will give us all the stats and passives we need for the early game and beyond. It is packed with damage, health, and ability haste. Its most useful feature is the auto-attack enhancing passive, which is activated each time you land a Q.


As previously mentioned, our build will start with building the Tear as one of our first components. The tear is the main component of Manamune, which starts stacking each time we spend mana. The stacks will carry over to our Manamune purchase, and reaching maximum stacks will transform our item. Having the transformed Manamune is one of the largest Ezreal power spikes, and for that reason, we want to start stacking tear as early as possible.

Spear of Shojin

Spear of Shojin is another great item for Ezreal, and I would suggest running it all the time with the AD build, especially in ARAM. The item will reduce the incoming damage when multiple enemies are present around you, which is pretty much 90% of the time during ARAM. This fact makes the item a really efficient purchase.

This item also has two additional passives that are super good for Ezreal. One will increase the damage of your abilities (which are the main source of your damage anyway), and the other will reduce your abilities’ cooldown.

Serylda’s Grudge

Serylda’s Grudge is another item that works just as if it was made exclusively for Ezreal. It will give us a massive amount of armor penetration, that will significantly amplify the amount of damage our previously built items will do. It will also give us a much-needed slow on our abilities, which will enable us to hit our abilities with a much higher accuracy.

Blood Thirster

We will finish off our build with a Blood Thirster. It is a great damage/life steal item to additionally buff up our stats. The added benefit of this item is its shield, which will do a decent job of protecting us from light poking. 


The best options for our ARAM Ezreal build would be the Ionian boots of Lucidity. We can evade most of the threat by just playing carefully, which denies the need for defensive boots. Therefore, we can just take the Ionian’s and enjoy their cooldown reduction.

Runes for ARAM Ezreal

Ezreal-ARAM-Runes title

  1. Conqueror
  2. Presence of Mind
  3. Legend: Bloodline
  4. Coup de Grace
  5. Taste of Blood
  6. Treasure Hunter

In Conclusion

Ezreal is a truly great ARAM pick, especially with the right build and playstyle. The highest win rate build will have us go with the conqueror playstyle while building some having damage items. The optimal way of playing with this build entails poking from the distance and clearing the waves as frequently to corner enemies.

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