Olaf is a powerhouse that has enough strength to chop down most adversaries in 1v1, sometimes even in 1v2 combats. When enabled to get in the range of a target, Olaf will be able to slowly chop them down due to the high amount of DPS he possesses.
Now, despite being a generally strong pick, there are still a lot of counter options that can be employed against Olaf. Having said all that, it’s time to explore the best Olaf counters for season 14.
Best Olaf Counters
The greatest counter to Olaf is Ryze. Ryze has a kit that enables him to safely farm on the distance which enables him to peacefully outscale Olaf. Ryze also has an upper hand when it comes to trading as well. In each trade, Ryze can simply keep his distance and slowly chunk down Olaf.
To win this matchup as Ryze, it is important to play somewhat safely until you buy some item components. After having bought some items, you will be able to out-trade Olaf by simply not allowing him to close in on you. In the later stages of the game, you will want to freeze the wave under your tower. Freezing the wave will force Olaf to walk up and take damage for the farm, or lose the farm. Either way, things will be highly in your favor.
Another grand pick against Olaf is Kayle. In my opinion, this is the best option to counter Olaf. Kayle is not that demanding to play, and she definitely requires much less skill than Ryze. To win this matchup, you will want to follow the same principles such as those outlined in the Ryze section.
Simply farming and poking Olaf will do the trick. If Olaf goes for aggressive plays, you can simply slow him with your Q, and enhance your movement speed with W. This will enable you to dodge most of the damage Olaf can produce.
The first two counter options will dismantle Olaf by keeping him at a distance, however, if you prefer close combat more, there is another option you can explore. Kled is a great aggressive pick that will win most trades against Olaf. In an all in type of situation, Kled can maneuver around Olaf Q’s and simply chop him down with auto-attacks. There is not much science to this matchup, since Kled is just straight-up stronger in 1v1 conditions.
If you are a beast gifted with mechanical prowess, Fiora stands as yet another great counter variant to explore. To win a matchup as Fiora, you will want to chunk down Olaf before he gets the chance to ult. This way, you will be able to proc Fiora’s “W” slow, and simply out-trade Olaf.
Final Thoughts
Olaf is a menacing top-lane pick. Equipped with a high-damage ranged Q, healing, attack speed, shielding, and CC immunity, Olaf can oppress most of the top lane picks in lane skirmishes. However, some picks just stand out from the rest, and they are able to completely obliterate Olaf in most scenarios. Picking these champions will enable you to have a much easier time winning against Olaf. The greatest picks are Ryze, Kayle, Kled, and Fiora, but there are some other significant contenders such as Zac, Trundle, Aurora, Poppy, and Illaoi.