Illaoi has often placed in the top 10 ARAM champions in terms of strength, and she is well placed currently as well. The champion has a highly commanding presence that can heavily influence the outcome of a game. Her strong pushing ability coupled with her indomitable fighting ability makes her a feared ARAM opponent. Here is the greatest build for this champ!
Best Illaoi ARAM Items
Sundered Sky
A great item to get our Illaoi build started is the Sundered Sky. It will give us solid damage and HP base. The most distinguishing feature of this item is its passive which will double our base attack damage on autos. This increase will be quite handy in the early stages of the game.
Iceborn Gauntlet
Iceborn Gauntlet is another core addition to the Illaoi ARAM build. It has great ratios of health, armor, and ability haste. The armor will work quite well with the HP we have accumulated so far, making us very resistant against incoming AD damage.
Another cool property of Iceborn Gauntlet is its slow passive. The passive will freeze the ground below our enemies each time we hit them with an ability. The slow will enable us to land our other abilities with greater ease, and it will be especially helpful for getting the most damage possible on our E.
Spirit Visage
Spirit Visage is also a must. On the stat side of things, it will give us pretty nice increases in HP magic resist, and ability haste. An additional perk of this item is its passive that will increase all the healing and shielding we receive by 25%. The healing increase is pretty neat as we will be able to benefit from it from our kit as well as from our allies enhancements.
Sterak’s Gage
Sterak’s Gage is a powerful fighting item for Illaoi. It primarily gives health and damage stats. It also comes with a shield that procs when we are below 30% HP. The shield can often be very clutch, especially when we want to get the last drop of damage with our ultimate.
Black Cleaver
Our other items have covered our bases for HP, damage, magic resist, and armor. The next item, Black Cleaver, will be great at giving us extra armor penetration utility. This item will reduce an enemy’s armor each time we hit them with an attack or ability. The increase will stack and it can be applied to multiple enemies. Having this passive will make it easier for us and our team to penetrate through enemy resistances.
Runes for Illaoi in ARAM
- Grasp of the Undying
- Demolish
- Conditioning
- Overgrowth
- Triumph
- Legend: Haste
The best keystone for Illaoi in ARAM is the Grasp of the Undying. It’s easy to proc and it will give us some extra damage and max HP. The next rune we can take, Demolish, will enable us to push through enemy turrets faster.
For the next two runes, I would take conditioning and overgrowth. These two will give us armor, and bonus health, which are pretty great for solidifying our defenses.
Finally, I would take Triumph and Legend: Haste as the last two runes. Triumph is great as it can be procked often and it increases healing significantly. Haste is pretty neat for cooldown reduction.
Final Thoughts
Illaoi is one of the most powerful ARAM picks. She is best played as a bruiser, with a slight mix of damage and some tankier items. To excel with this pick, it’s important to play carefully and take advantage of great team-fighting opportunities.