Pantheon is a reasonably strong ARAM champion. When played correctly, he can pose a great threat to enemy carries, and significantly stack the winning odds for his team. To make sure we start walking the patch with the right foundations, we are gonna start by examining the greatest Pantheon ARAM build.
Best Pantheon Items
The greatest first item for Pantheon is the Eclipse. On the stats side of things, we primarily buy it to cover our AD and ability haste needs. Another great perk of this item is the shield it gives after we hit an enemy with two consecutive abilities. The shield has a pretty low cooldown, and we can use it to soak up a lot of damage.
Sundered Sky
Another beautiful item for Pantheon is the Sundered Sky. Periodically, this item will double the base damage of our basic attacks which will enable us to have a much higher damage output and burst potential. When it comes to stats, the item has reasonable amounts of damage, haste, and sufficient amounts of HP to make us sustain better.
Death’s Dance
The third item that is notably powerful for ARAM is the Death’s Dance. The item stores the damage we take and transforms it to damage over time, however, upon scoring a takedown, the pending damage gets cleansed. Since ARAM is a mode that features a lot of fighting, we can use the item much more than we would otherwise.
Spear of Shojin
Spear of Shojin is another strong contender amongst the greatest items for Pantheon. It’s loaded with damage, ability haste and HP. Its coolest addition is the passive increasing ability damage by 3% for every landed ability. The passive is, of course, temporary, however, it still greatly increases combo damage.
Black Cleaver
As the game gets closer to the end, the enemies will generally have much more armor as well as damage. To counter both of these at the same time, we can simply build The Black Cleaver. It’s penetration passive will negate a huge percentage of enemy’ armor, and the extra HP from the item will make us much harder to take down.
The greatest boots for Pantheon in ARAM are the defensive ones. Depending on the enemy set up, we will want to take either Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads. I usually take the Mercury Treads to soften the blow of CC spells. Plated Steelcaps are viable too, especially against high amounts of auto attack centric champions.
Runes for Pantheon ARAM
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Ability: Haste
- Coup de Grace
- Taste of Blood
- Treasure Hunter
Conqueror is a great keystone for Pantheon in ARAM. It’s pretty easy to accumulate its full stacks, and to enable the bonus damage and healing. I would follow it up with Triumph for some extra healing on takedowns.
The next two runes I would recommend are Ability: Haste and Coup de Grace. First will give us the much needed ability haste, and the second will increase our damage on low HP targets.
Finally, I would take Taste of Blood for the early healing, as well as Treasure Hunter for some extra gold for each unique takedown.
Final Thoughts
Pantheon is a moderately strong and thoroughly enjoyable ARAM pick. The greatest way to have success with him is by playing him as a bruiser. A combination of damage, ability haste, HP and shielding, makes for a great well rounded character. The outlined build will allow you to play aggressively, and take concrete fighting steps to put you closer to victory.