League of Legends Teemo Build Season 14


Teemo is one of the most iconic League of Legends champions. He is a ranged top laner with a blind, damage over time, and invisible shrooms. It’s also widely known that Teemo is one of the most despised champions in the game. To make this champion even more unlikable for the enemies, today we are gonna go over the strongest Teemo build!

Best Items for Teemo

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Nashor’s Tooth

The non-negotiable first item for Teemo should always be Nashor’s Tooth. It’s a stat-check item that will benefit you regardless of the role you are playing on Teemo. Due to its attack speed boost, it will help you chunk down the enemies faster, and proc Teemo’s E poison more often.

In the jungle this item will help you clear faster, and it will amplify your long-term income, simply due to the snowball effect of clearing fast. This item is also beneficial due to its on-hit magic damage, which is a great addition to overall damage.

Liyandry’s Torment

Liyandry’s Torment is mostly known for its passive that grants an additional percentage of HP damage to abilities. It is a must-have for Teemo as it will enhance the burn enemies are already getting from Teemo’s E. 

Additionally, the item also increases your damage the longer you are in combat, this is great as Teemo is naturally spending a lot of time in combat, due to his poison attacks that linger long after he has attacked an enemy.


A huge part of Teemo’s kit is his ultimate, and the ultimate cooldown just so happens to get reduced by Malignance. With this information, you can be sure that purchasing Malignance is a great choice.

To make things even better, Malignance has a passive that activates once you use your ultimate ability, on Teemo it activates when enemies step on the shrooms. The passive creates an area of damage that burns the enemies which further increases Teemo’s R damage.

Rabadon’s Deathcap

The Deathcap is one of my favorite items on Teemo, as it gives a massive damage spike, and makes the game much more satisfying to play. The increased damage is directly translated to shrooms, which are powerful for controlling the map and setting the objectives.

After purchasing the Deathcap, I focus on planting the shrooms near the upcoming objectives, which creates a more secure space for taking the objectives, as it disallows enemies from approaching.

Void Staff

Void Staff is just the icing on the cake. We are taking it for the 40% magic penetration increase, which amplifies all the AP that we have collected on the way. 


I am a firm believer that a skilled Teemo should not take any boots other than the Sorcerer’s. These are the absolute best boots as they will give you a pretty nice boost in magic penetration, one of the most valuable stats for Teemo.

The other boot options such as Mercury’s Threads and Plated Steelcaps are also possible, but the lack of their purchase can be made up with skilled gameplay and knowing Teemo’s limits.

Runes for Teemo

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  1. Press the Attack
  2. Triumph
  3. Legend: Alacrity
  4. Last Stand
  5. Bone Plating
  6. Overgrowth

In Conclusion

Teemo is an infamous League of Legends character that can be flexed into many roles. My personal favorite Teemo role is jungle, but this build will work for pretty much every role. The build is a heavy damage one, as it is the best build for burning enemies, and securing the objectives.


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