Jungle in League of Legends is a role with the highest agency in the game. Therefore, much of what goes on in the game is the direct responsibility of the jungler. However, despite playing seemingly perfectly, there are still times when not everything will go our way.
The unlucky games can swing in many negative directions, but the most frustrating one is the one where all the lanes are losing. These games often feel completely unwinnable, but that is hardly the case unless you are a player battling at the highest levels of the soloQ ladder. Anyhow, today we are gonna go over all the possible things you can do to win the games where every single lane is losing!
Profit From the Chaos
During my extensive jungle career playing in every elo but challenger, I have had many games where every single lane would lose. In my early days, I would often feel like there was nothing I could do, but accept the pending loss. However, this was a really bad approach.
When I gained some sentience and started approaching the game mindfully and critically, I noticed a significant pattern emerge. Each time my team would get absolutely stomped in the early game, the enemy would relax and start playing on autopilot.
After enemies start playing on autopilot, recovering becomes a very reasonable possibility, since the enemy will run around the map aimlessly, looking for kills. This creates a lot of opportunities to get absolutely free shutdowns.
I usually have most success just farming around the hotspot fight locations, from then on, it’s usually only a matter of time until the enemy will make a small misstep, allowing me to capitalize and create a comeback advantage.
To have success with this strategy, it’s best to play champions that can single-handedly delete the entire enemy team by themselves, one such pick would be Master Yi. Here is a single game where I played with this approach.
The game was played in Diamond 2, and my entire team was feeding. However, I did not despair and managed to stay calm. I would just collect shutdowns on Yi and eventually managed to carry with a 17/7/5 score. By the end of the game, my ADC has locked in as well, managing to uplift their score from 3/8 to 14/8, helping me close out the game.
Stay Consistent & Take Small Leads
No matter how south things go, chances are there will still be opportunities to create some small leads. Each time an enemy is doing an objective, you can take the time to do an objective on the opposite side of the map. You can also invade the enemy jg to get extra camp gold or dive the enemies that are left remaining on their lanes. These small wins will allow you to stop the enemies from further progressing in their lead.
The worst thing to do would be to force fights you can not win. If enemies are stronger, and looking to do a dragon, it’s better to simply take the loss than to have your entire team annihilated in yet another fight. Therefore, it’s important to disengage your team from potentially catastrophic fights, and focus on things that will directly benefit you.
Final Thoughts
A lot of unfortunate things can happen in a League of Legends game, however, it’s important to remember that the game is not over until the nexus falls. The greatest way to carry hard games is to stay consistent and look for every opportunity to get any kind of lead you can.