Yorick is a champion distinguished by his entity-spawning abilities. His summoning repertoire consists of ghouls and the fierce Maiden of the Mist. Yorick is a strong dueling bruiser who can single-handedly split push his way to victory. To facilitate good results, today we are gonna craft a build inspired by the top EUW and Korean challenger Yorick players.
Yorick Challenger Build
Profane Hydra
Profane Hydra is the core component of our build. The item is embedded with an enhanced Tiamat passive, meaning that each hit you make deals splash damage. The main draw of this ability is the capacity to quickly clear waves. This is crucial for joining jungle skirmishes before the opposing laners, and pushing through the lane faster.
Seryldas Grudge
I wonder what triggered the grudge of Serylda because the strength of the item implies some serious cause of enmity. Anyhow, Seryldas Grudge is a great item to start evicting your enemies from the top lane and making them homeless by quickly destroying their towers. The power of this item lies in armor penetration and slow capabilities.
Spear of Shojin
The Shojin’s Spear is another default item pick for Yorick. It works by amplifying spell damage, which directly empowers the family members that Yorick is spawning. If this was not illegal enough, the item also reduces abilities cooldown, which makes the family reunions unpleasantly frequent.
Opportunity is a great item for enhancing lethality. It also gives bonus damage on the first attack after being out of combat. It also synergizes really well with Yorick poke trades. Additionally, it gives you bonus decaying movement speed after achieving a takedown, which comes in quite handy in many situations.
Sterak’s Gage
After stacking all the damage, it’s only reasonable to get some HP as well. A perfect item for this is Sterak’s Gage. It will grant you a really nice HP buff, and it also gives a shield when you are taken below 30% HP. The shield is great for catching enemies off guard, and outliving them in combat.
The boots options for Yorick are plenty. Depending on your preferences, you can go for some speed by picking up boots of Swiftness, alternatively, you can get some resistance stats by taking either Plated Steelcaps or Mercury’s Threads.
Plateed Steelcaps are great for countering basic attack-heavy champions like Vayne, while Mercury’s Threads are the best choice against CC-heavy oppositions. Swifties will give you the advantage of coming to lane faster, as well as a great speed boost for split-pushing.
Yorick Runes
- Conqueror – Essential for buffing entity damage
- Triumph – Great for sustaining fights
- Legend: Bloodline – Enhances sustain through increasing lifesteal
- Last Stand – Increases damage when low on HP
- Demolish – Essential for taking towers quickly
- Bone Plating – Anti-burst sustain
Final Thoughts
Yorick is a unique champion that offers a kit few champions can come close to replicating. Therefore, the way he is played is also extremely different. As Yorick, you will want to poke enemies with your ghouls and go for all-ins when enemies are low on health.q
In the late game, you will ideally be looking to split push with the maiden. You will be strong enough to take down multiple enemies, usually at least to, and your allies will be free to reign in 4v3 fights.